Can I pray for you? Asking for prayer is not a sign of weakness, it’s a sign of wisdom! I’m honored to pray for you and would love to know how I can do that for you today.
Asking for prayer is one of the sweetest things you can do and God cares about all our requests, no matter how big or small they may seem. Some days, I have giant requests that I seek God for, you know, like when a dear friend is having surgery and is scared, or when a loved one is very ill.
Those types of prayer requests are the big ones that seem urgent and too big for me to handle, but God cares and He loves to hear our needs. Other days my requests seem small, but God still cares and hear us when we pray.
“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.” — Philippians 4:6 (NLT)

My Prayers Seem Insignificant
God still hears us loud and clear, even when the requests are smaller and make us worry throughout the day. You know what I’ve mean, when you find yourself worried about safety for your kids while they are at school, or when you feel overwhelmed from all your “mom chores” that you need to get done for that day. These may seem insignificant, but God still cares and loves to hear us pray!
Want to remember this post? Pin this post, Can I Pray For You? To your favorite Pinterest board right now!

It’s My Honor To Pray For You!
It’s my honor to pray for your needs, so please feel free to share them with me. There are also many moms in the Frugal Fun Mom Community who would love nothing more than to pray for you, and are dedicated to reading this page and praying for the many prayer requests shared in the comments below.

By posting on this page, you will be sharing your prayer requests with others who can and will pray for you. I know it can be scary to share your heart with the world, but know that we care and are honored to pray for your needs.
In fact, you’ll see prayer requests from me show up on this page periodically! Let’s be honest, we all need prayer! If you would like me and the Frugal Fun Mom Community to pray for you, there are 2 ways you can ask for prayer:
2 Ways to Ask For Prayer
- Public, Non-Confidential Prayer Request: Leave your public prayer request on this page in the comments below (scroll way down the page past the Confidential Prayer Request Form to the ‘Leave a Reply’ section) and me, and the FAB Party Planning Mom community will be happy to pray for you!
- Private, Confidential Prayer Request: Simply email your request to our prayer team – prayer@fabpartyplanningmom. It will not post to this page, but will be prayed for by me and my private prayer team. Your private request is confidential and will not be shared with anyone outside me and my private prayer team.
Pocket Prayer Rock
Sometimes our kids need prayer too, and they may not know how to ask. If your child is going through a time when they are struggling and could use a constant reminder not to worry, but instead pray about their concerns, consider making them a Pocket Prayer Rock!
I made one of these of my son when he was going on his first overnight trip with school and was very nervous. He loved it!

Again, I’d love to pray for you, so please let me know how I can!

Frugal Fun Mom Community – I wanted to post my own prayer on my wall for all who pray regularly! I’m due to have ovarian surgery next month and am not looking forward to it. I’m praying for peace of mind leading up to my surgery and also that all goes well with my body leading up to surgery. I seem to have a knack for winding up in the ER with complications. Just pray that I stay out of the ER until it’s time for my actual surgery. Thanks all!
I have a lot on my heart today – For me personally, please pray for my son – he had a seizure on Mother’s Day and it really scared. We have no answers yet, but would love prayers about the whole situation. It’s so hard to see your kid hurting and to not know why. I’m having a really hard time dealing with his situation and the stress of life. I’d love your prayers for him – his name is Coen.
I also have quite a few friends dealing with medical issues – surgeries, MRI’s and also another friend dealing with heart failure. Today I talked with a mom I just met who is also really struggling with a recent divorce and trying to get back on her feet with your 2 young kids – just pray over the whole situation.
Thank you all!
My husband is ill and needs a liver transplant.
We live in Toronto Canada, and the organ transplant list is long. Please visit our site on FB – Liver and Let Live for additional information.
Please pray for my dear husband – to both receive a transplant and for a bull recovery.
Darrel Neil Hotz
DOB – April 28, 1959
Thank you all!
Bar – thank you for sharing your request with us! I will be praying for you along with the rest of the Frugal Fun Mom Community. I pray the Lord would provide in His perfect time an organ transplant for your husband. I’m also praying peace for you both in your time of waiting. Thank you again for sharing with me – Hugs to you both!
Frugal Fun Mom Community, I’m asking for you all to pray for my oldest son, Coen. He’s really struggling with his new diagnosis of Epilepsy and the side effects of the medications he is on. Our whole family is having a rough time dealing with his diagnosis as well and all that comes along with it. We feel like we are on a roller-coaster ride all the time. 🙁
Prayer For the Second Coming of Jesus –
I pray that Jesus Christ returns to Earth soon, to bring the eternal love and peace of the Kingdom of God to all who believe in Him, and for every knee to bow to Him, and for every tongue to confess that Jesus is Lord at His return. Amen.
Dear Frugal Fun Mom Community, please pray for this prayer request above, and please share it with everyone, everywhere! Until it comes true, and Jesus returns to save His people – which hopefully, by then, will include all the people of the world!
Thank You!
God bless you!
Leo Sourisseau
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Also, please visit the website of
to see the prayer above
in 25 other languages!
Also please visit the
new prayer website of
PLEASE – Pray the prayers above
to help Jesus to triumph on Earth
soon! Jesus is the best eternal
leader for humanity – vote for
Jesus, with your prayers! 🙂
So please add these two prayers
above to your prayer arsenal
– but they’ll only work if you use them!
And please ask as many other people as you can to pray these above prayers too!
Thanks so much,
to all of you at
Frugal Fun Mom Community!
Pray without ceasing!
Pray, pray, pray!
For Jesus, and for humanity!
Frugal Fun Mom Community!
Frugal Fun Mom Readers, please pray for my pup – Lexi. She has been diagnosed with a rare autoimmune disorder that makes her toenails fall off. 🙁 She’s only 2 and LOVES to run, jump, play and now her toes hurt all the time and her fun is being very limited by how much her feet hurt. Please pray that we find the right vitamins to help her fight this and manage it so she can go back to all the things she loves to do. Thanks all! – Katrina