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Looking for easy pantry items to stockpile? I’ve got you covered! I’m here to help you afford the stay at home mom life and one great way to do that, is to have your own pantry stockpile.
In this post, I’ll share my favorite pantry items to stockpile and help you understand why you should start a stockpile.
Katrina, what’s in your pantry? What pantry items do you stockpile? I’m so glad you asked! I’m more than happy to give you a real glimpse into my pantry so you can see what I stockpile on a pretty consistent basis.

How to Build Your Stockpile
Before we dive into this post too far, I wanted to share a tool that you will need in order to build your stockpile!
You need to get my Daily Coupon Checklist!
This checklist will walk you through how to use coupons so that you can start to build your stockpile as inexpensively as possible.
The best part, you can start using coupons and see your grocery budget drop in as little as 10 minutes a day! Grab this great tool now before you read on! Sign up below to get your copy of my Daily Coupon Checklist!
Want to remember this post? Pin this post, Easy Pantry Items to Stockpile, to your favorite Pinterest board right now!

Why You Should Stockpile
Wondering why you should even have a stockpile? There are many reasons, but first of all, it will save you money on your groceries.
Second, you will have the stuff you need when you need it! In light of all the unknowns going on in our country right now both politically, and medically, it’s great to have a stockpile to provide for your family when the stores all of a sudden have empty shelves for necessary items!
I’m not going to say a lot about this, but I can tell you that when all the grocery stores in my area were out of soap, sanitizer, and toilet paper – I wasn’t!
I’ve had all those items in my stockpile for years and live by the mentality that I need to replenish my stock whenever it starts to get low. It’s a routine for me to watch my stockpile and look for deals on the things that get low. I only buy to replenish my stockpile when I find a rock bottom deal on an item we will use.
Quick Tip: Never buy things just to buy them. Only buy what you need or will use.
How Does Stockpiling Work?
Are you sitting there thinking, Katrina, I know I need to start a stockpile – but how do I start? Do I just go buy a bunch of stuff and call it a stockpile? No! You don’t! The concept of stockpiling is that you buy items at their rock bottom price and save them to use in the future. You don’t run out and buy a bunch of regular price stuff, that defeats the purpose of a true stockpile.
You only buy items when they are on sale or at a rock bottom price. Every week you keep an eye out for those great deals and add to your stockpile when your grocery budget allows you to. Over time, your stockpile grows!
Continue to add to your stockpile and replenish it when it starts to get low. Eventually, you will build up a pretty good stockpile and will always have what you need on hand should an emergency strike.

How Big Is Your Stockpile, Katrina?
Are you thinking that my stockpile is huge? Imagining that my basement is full of racks and racks of kitty litter and bladder leak pads, even though I don’t have a cat and don’t currently have a bladder leakage problem (but maybe someday)? No! I don’t have a basement full of food and household items I won’t use.

In fact, I have a very small pantry and that is where most of my stockpile items are. I also have a shelf in my hall closet that I store my cereal and other pantry goods on.
I keep a stockpile of water in the garage, and any personal hygiene stockpile items are stored in my closet on an extra shelf. That’s it.
My stockpile doesn’t bust out of any closets or overtake my shower. It’s not that big, and honestly, the size of it changes every week as we use things, and I replenish with other things that were on sale.
The magic of my stockpile is that it’s full of stuff I use and I bought those items at their lowest price, saving my family money!
What Should You Stockpile?
Katrina, what should I stockpile? That’s a tricky question. Honestly, you should stockpile everything. Everything that you use on a consistent basis can be stockpiled – but only when you find it at a rock bottom price.
What Is A Rock Bottom Price?
A rock bottom price is when you can find an item like toothpaste on sale at the store. Let’s say that toothpaste is usually $1.99. The store is running a weekly sale of 10 for $10 making the toothpaste only a $1.00. Which is an ok deal for toothpaste at that price.
But, it’s not a rock bottom price yet. Let’s say you look through your coupons and find that you have 2 manufactures coupons from the newspaper that are $.50 off a tube of that toothpaste. Because you have 2 coupons, you can use them to buy 2 tubes of toothpaste, now for only $0.50 each. This is a pretty good deal too!
Before you stop there, next you should take a look at your Ibotta app, and you’ll see that you can save an additional $0.25 per tube on that toothpaste (sometimes in Ibotta you can use the same coupon more than once).
Making your price now only $0.25 per tube. That’s a rock bottom price and you should stock up on as many tubes as you can and have coupons for.
Typically, that’s 2-5 tubes of toothpaste, and that’s all. Stockpiling successfully doesn’t mean you have to buy 200 tubes of toothpaste! You only need to buy 2 or 3, in order to still save your family money!
Read more about Ibotta here. If you don’t already use Ibotta, you should! It’s free and helps you save even more on the items you buy at the grocery store! Plus it’s super easy to use! Woot!
My Favorite Pantry Stockpile Items
Below is a list of my favorite, easy pantry items to stockpile. Like I said before, you can stockpile just about anything and you should, but the below items are easy pantry items to stockpile when you are just starting out.

Most of the items on this list go on sale pretty consistently at the grocery store and there tends to be a lot of on-going coupons for them floating around.
Easy Pantry Items To Stockpile:
- Pasta Noodles
- Toothpaste
- Toothbrushes
- Soap
- Toilet Paper
- Paper Towels
- Jarred Pasta Sauce
- Granola Bars
- Kleenex Tissues
- Cereal
- Brownie Mix
- Goldfish Crackers
- Canned goods
- Feminine Products
- Shampoo
- Razors
- Diapers
- Baby Wipes
All of these items are pretty easy to start to build a stockpile from. All you need to do is get your hands on some coupons and start watching out for sales! Get my Daily Coupon Checklist to help you know exactly what to do each day to start using coupons and building your stockpile. Ready to get started?
You can do it momma! I’m here to help – anytime! Reach out by commenting below if you have any questions or concerns about easy pantry items to stockpile or how to even start.
Other Posts You Might Like About Stockpiling and Coupons:
- How To Build A Stockpile – 5 Simple Steps
- How to Figure Out What’s For Dinner At The Last Minute
- 5 Homemade Pantry Staples You Should Be Making
- 4 Must-Have Apps That Save and Pay You Money
Want to remember this post? Pin this post, Easy Pantry Items To Stockpile, to your favorite Pinterest board right now!

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