Today’s Frugal Friday Tip #8 – Buy in Bulk! When you find a great deal, and when it makes sense for your budget, go ahead and buy in bulk!! When you come across an amazing deal on something that you use regularly – then go ahead and stock up on that item – buy it in bulk, as long as you have the extra funds in your grocery budget.
Want To Save Even More At The Grocery Store?
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Grocery Deals Are Unexpected
Today is a perfect example – I found a GREAT deal on ground beef at my local grocery store. This was a totally unexpected deal because I had not planned on buying meat at all. I found 3lb rolls of ground beef for $3.79 total…not per pound – but per 3lb roll!
That’s just a little over $1 a pound! Which is an awesome deal! There were lots of rolls – so I went ahead and decided to buy in bulk – 60lbs to be exact! Yes, you heard me right – 60lbs of beef – 20 3lb rolls of ground beef.

I know this sounds like a lot of ground beef, and it is, but our family loves ground beef and we eat a lot of it. We also have an extra freezer in our garage just for my stockpile of meats and frozen items.
Today’s ground beef deal was a great one for my family because we were getting low on beef and I had a lot of empty shelves in my freezer. I actually went to the store hoping to find some deals on meat that were not advertised in the regular grocery ad.
All this extra meat was a great deal for family because we needed it, and we had the extra freezer room – so it made sense to stock up.
Things to Consider Before Stocking Up
Before stocking up on a great deal like I found today, you must always take careful consideration of a few things first.
- What food do you already have at home?
- Do you have room for the sale items?
- Does your family even like the items that are on sale?
- Will your family use the items that are on sale?
- Do you have coupons that you can stack with the sale to make the final price even better?
- Is the sale price really a good price?
- Can you use the items before they expire, or go bad?
The meat manager at my local grocery store looked at me like I was crazy when he saw me put that many rolls of beef in my cart, which is ok with me! Thankfully he had close to 45 rolls of beef total, so there were plenty left for everyone else!
My family loves ground beef, especially for tacos, which just so happens to be my husband’s favorite meal. I know we will use our beef over the next year, so I’m super excited about our great deal today!

You too can find great deals like this at your local grocery store! Start by talking to the manager and asking when certain departments mark stuff down, and then be the first one there to get the great deals!
Buying In Bulk Savings Secret:
Can I let you in on two little secrets? First, a lot of grocery stores mark down perishables (like meat, dairy, and fruit) during the week to make room for fresh products to fill the shelves over the much busier weekends. There are lots of great deals to be found during the week!
A lot of grocery stores mark down perishables (like meat, dairy, and fruit) during the week to make room for fresh products to fill the shelves over the much busier weekends. Share on XSecond, you should never use grocery delivery or pick up services! What?!!! Gasp! No, Katrina are you serious?? Why? This is why, you miss out on all these unexpected deals!
You should never use grocery delivery or pick up services! Share on XI never would’ve found this awesome deal on ground beef if I had not gone inside the store. Some of the best deals I’ve found are inside the grocery store and I encourage you to do the same! I wrote a post all about this topic that you can read if you want – Why You Should Never Use Grocery Store Delivery Or Pickup Services.
Buying in Bulk Naturally Leads To Stockpiling
Buying in bulk is a natural way to begin building a stockpile! I realize the idea of building a stockpile can seem daunting, but buying in bulk, an item you will use, is the first step to building a stockpile!
Buying in bulk naturally leads to stockpiling! Share on X
There is nothing magical about a stockpile. Stockpile: a large supply of food, etc., gathered and held in reserve for use during a shortage or during a period of higher prices.
Simple as that! When you can find an item on sale, or on major markdown clearance, consider buying a few of them, if you can! Next, check your coupon binder for any coupons you have that might match that item. Buy as many as you have coupons for! When you can stack the sale price with coupons, you will be saving even more and that is when it makes sense to buy extra and start building your stockpile!
Stockpiling is a great way to help your family save money on your groceries! If you are new to stockpiling and don’t know how to get started, read this post I wrote 5 Simple Steps To Build A Stockpile.

Savings Tips For When You Buy In Bulk:
- Buy in bulk whenever you find a great deal and you have enough extra money in your budget to still get the things you need for the week.
- Stack coupons on top of any sale you can – which can bring the price of these items down to their rock-bottom price – then buy as many as you can use coupons on.
- Only buy in bulk what you will use. Don’t buy items that are on sale just because they are on sale. If you won’t use them, you are wasting your money.
- If you come across a good deal, grab it right then. Don’t think about it and come back later – it will be gone!
Buy in bulk, when it makes sense, when you can use coupons, and when you can be assured you are buying your items at their rock bottom price, is a GREAT way to build your stockpile and take savings to the next level!
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