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Are you looking for potty training sanity savers? Maybe you just want some help, or advice, or tips to make potty training easier? Potty training is hard. It’s hard for you, and for your child, and can make you go crazy!
Potty training your toddler is hard! I know we all could some sanity savers when it comes to the topic of potty training and thankfully, that’s exactly what I’m going to share with you today!
I’ve been there, three times already, and I know just how hard it can be. From my experience I’ve learned some potty training sanity savers that I’d love to pass along to you – with the hopes that they can help you too!

Potty Training Sanity Savers For Moms
Let’s jump right into my top 5 list of potty training sanity savers for moms.
1. You Need A Potty Chart

Mom, you need to get a printable potty training chart – right now! Potty charts are a great visual for your child during their potty training journey.
Hang it in your bathroom, right next to the potty. Every time they go potty, let them mark off one of the circles on the chart. They will love it! You can use stickers or a marker, whichever one you think your child would like more.
Wondering where you find a cute potty chart? Lucky for you, I’ve created one! Snag a free Printable Potty Training Chart now by signing up below. Trust me, you will want this, and your child will love it.
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2. Dry & Clean
Learn the phrase – Dry & Clean and teach this to your child. Positive reinforcement is high on the list when it comes to potty training sanity savers.
Rather than worrying all the time if your child has had an accident and asking them, Did you go potty in your pants? or Did you make a mess in your underwear? or Did you have an accident?
Instead just say, Let’s stay dry & clean all day! Help your child work on staying dry & clean all day and then you can reward them for their efforts.
2. Use A Reward They Like
My favorite potty training sanity savers is very simple, just use a reward they like! Mom, do yourself a big favor and figure out what motivates your child. Pick a reward that they will like. Not just one that you think they should have.
Does that make sense?
If you child loves chocolate, and if, normally, you don’t let them have chocolate very often, then having a small piece of chocolate candy like an M&M might be a huge motivator for your child to stay dry & clean all day.
If your toddler likes cars and trucks, consider a reward of a Hot Wheels car at the end of the day if they have stayed dry & clean all day! Maybe your child loves stickers, reward them with a sticker every time they go potty and they can put that sticker on their Potty Chart.
Just figure out what motivates your child to stay dry & clean all day and go with that. Keep the reward budget-friendly too. Just because your child might love a Barbie doll, that doesn’t mean you need to reward them with a new Barbie every time they go potty. Find a small reward they will love instead.

Don’t forget to snag your free copy of My Potty Chart right now.
Give Yourself Organization
Get organized with a Potty Training Bag Tag! Let’s be honest, you can’t stay at home every day, all the time. Regardless of when your child begins their potty training journey, at some point, they will need to leave the house with you.
You will have errands to run and your potty training child will need to come along with you, or you will need to leave them with someone else. It’s a fact of life. Why not save your sanity by using a handy bag tag?

Katrina, what are you talking about? What’s a bag tag? I’m so glad you asked! Mom, you need this! My Potty Training Bag Tag is the perfect way to take along the essential potty training necessities. All packaged up in a tidy bag, labeled and ready to go.
Simply print out our Potty Training Bag Tag, fill in the information, and place it inside a ziplock along with an extra set of your toddler’s clothing. Throw it in your diaper bag or purse, or leave it in your car for emergencies.
This tidy Potty Training Bag Tag is such a sanity saver when you need to leave your child with a teacher, babysitter, or in the church nursery. You don’t even have to say anything to embarrass your child – just hand over the bag and the tag says it all. Your child will thank you, and so will every adult that watches your child. Get your Potty Training Bag Tag right now!
Celebrate The End!
Yes, you heard me right. Celebrate the end of potty training!
Seriously, this is the best part of the potty training journey – the end! When it’s all over! When your child is officially potty trained! It’s the best!
Commemorate their achievement with a cute certificate. Maybe your child will be so proud that they will even want to frame it?!
Life is worth celebrating, for sure, even the small things, like surviving potty training! So, celebrate it! Get my Potty Training Certificate now!
Surviving Potty Training Is Possible
There you have it! My best potty training sanity savers for moms! Potty training is a rough road, but you will survive, and my hope is that my potty training sanity savers will help along the way.
Remember, every child is unique. Potty training won’t look the same for every child, and there are a lot of different ways to arrive at the end. It’s ok that your child’s potty training journey is different than their friends and you are no less of a mom for it. Do the best you can, stay positive, and know that I understand!

Because I know potty training can be incredibly stressful, I’m here to pray for you if you need it! Just jump on my Prayer Page and let me know how I can be praying for you. Also, comment below with any concerns or questions you might have about this whole process. I’m happy to help in any way I can!
Hugs momma!
Don’t Forget Your Free Potty Training Chart
Don’t forget to sign up for your free Potty Training Printable Chart! It’s a great tool and will be very helpful as you begin potty training! Snag your free copy now!
Other Potty Training Posts You Might Like:
- Potty Training on a Budget – Don’t Waste Your Money!
- Printable Potty Training Chart
- How To Potty Train a Stubborn Child
Want to remember this post? Pin this post, Potty Training Sanity Savers For Moms, to your favorite Pinterest board right now!

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