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Are you looking for ways stay at home moms can save money? If you answered yes, then keep reading! I’m going to give you 25 ways stay at home moms can save money today! Thankfully, all of these ideas are totally doable and they will help you start saving money right away!
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25 Ways Stay At Home Moms Can Save Money
Before you read this full list of 25 ways stay at home moms can save money, I want to warn you that it’s a very full list with lots of extra linked resources. Take some time to read each tip and investigate the the additional information. As always, if you have any questions, please reach out to me! Either comment below or email me.

- Work out at home instead of paying for a gym membership. You can even take your kids with you to workout – push them in a stroller for extra resistance, have them ride a scooter or a bike. I also love to get my kids active by playing soccer with them – it’s great exercise for me and it’s great exercise for them!
- Use coupons and coupon apps to buy groceries.
- Buy clothing second hand by shopping used clothing sales, thrift stores, VarageSale, online marketplaces, and garage sales.
- Buy in bulk.
- Swap babysitting with a friend.
- Wash your car at home. Yes, I know this can be a pain, but most of the car wash places around me cost $8-20 for a quick car wash. Which is crazy! Wash your own car – and I’ll bet you will do an even better job!
- Cook at home instead of eating out. If you don’t already have an Instant Pot, get one! I find this kitchen appliance to be a great way to make sure we eat at home!
- Make lunches for your kids for school instead of buying school lunch.
- Meal plan and take advantage of the weekly grocery sales.
- Use online cash back sites to make any purchase online.
- Find screen-free fun things to do with your kids. In fact, I have an awesome product you can get right now, instead of combing through pages and pages of ideas on Pinterest, buy your copy now of my – Ultimate Guide To Frugal Fun For Kids. You’ll love it!
- Use coupons to eat out – find Kids Eat Free nights, clip coupons from the paper, use Ibotta and Fetch – my2 favorite apps to earn free meals out. Fetch “pays you” with gift cards to restaurants and Ibotta pays you actual cash! If you are unfamiliar with either of these apps, read this post.
- Shop around online and compare prices before you make a purchase. Always stack coupon/discount apps like Top Cash Back or Honey to make sure you don’t miss any possible coupon code discounts.
- Always double dip your deals when possible.
- Host at-home birthday parties for your kids.
- Make your own birthday party essentials, like the pintata – read this post for step-by-step instructions on how to make your own budget pinata, and party games for your child’s birthday.
- Always shop the clearance rack at the grocery store – or any other store you go into. Only buy what you need or will use.
- Planning is essential to saving money at the grocery store. Give yourself proper time to plan what you need, what is on sale, and what you have coupons for.
- Make your own homemade cleaning supplies. I promise it’s easy, budget-friendly and so much healthier for your family.
- Make homemade pantry staples to have on hand when you need to make a meal in a pinch – like taco seasoning, homemade granola and more! Making these recipes homemade is a great way to save money rather than buying them prepackaged in the store.
- Get an Instant Pot! Ok..I know this may not save you money at first, but it’s well worth the price! I love this appliance sooo soo sooo much, and I can’t believe how much I like it, in fact, I drug my feet for 2 years before actually buying one! Precious time that I can use to fold an extra load of laundry, or clip some coupons. Get an instant pot now! – link – and then get on Pinterest and pin recipes! I’ve had such great luck with all the amazing recipes on Pinterest and I can’t say anything but good things about my Instant Pot.
- Make frugal crafts and activities for your kids. Things like Koolaid Playdough, and Homemade Chalk. These are two of my favorite, budget friendly crafts to do with my kids.
- Throw two birthday on the same day. I’m not kidding – I’ve done this many times! If you have two kids with birthdays somewhat near each other, host their parties on the same day, (YES, I’m serious) a few hours apart.
- Group your errands by location. Save money on gas and save time by grouping your errands and getting them all done in one day.
- Wear your clothes a few days before washing them. Ok, I know this one may not go over well, but there are some days when I spend a lot of time in front of my computer and not a lot else. On those days, I will wear the same outfit twice before I wash it. You can also have your kids do the same. I realize kids can be smelly, but in my house, my kids wear nicer clothes to church each week, and as soon as they get home, they change out of their nice clothes. They only wore them for like 2 hours, so don’t wash them! This not only saves money, but time spent doing laundry!
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Photo by The Honest Company on Unsplash


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